Make Cycles

infographic of make cyclesYou can find our current Make Cycles in the drop down menu and on the Make Cycles page.


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Make Cycle 3 is live

Make Cycle 3 is live

Hi everyone!

You have been doing such fabulous work and I’m feeling behind! I’ve had such a hectic week, but I’ve been gathering golden lines from your work and I have so many! I’ll share them on Monday after I get myself organized this weekend. Reading your work has been such a pleasure; thank you for all the kind words you have for each other too. As you know, Make 2 (stories) are due Sunday. Already some great ones in our Currents community! WoOt!

I just released Make Cycle 3: Expository Writing. Link here and in the Drop down menu above. I think we can make informational texts playful and interesting. You’ll also be reading chapters 2 and 3 from About the Authors; you did such great work reflecting on chapter 1. I really do love reading the writing of young kids in this book (and big kids too actually: I guess I chose the right job).

Hope that wherever you are in the state that you are safe. We got a bit of a break in the air today, so my windows are open for the first time in weeks. Open windows are feeding my soul. I never thought I’d long for a regular pandemic day instead of a wildfire-pandemic day. Again, thinking about you all and hope you and yours are safe and healthy.

Take care

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