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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Author: melsmith

Totally Unoriginal Title

Totally Unoriginal Title


Hi, my name is Melissa :)

I am an English Education major, and this is my junior year. I am a transfer student from southern California. So far, I’ve been in Chico for about 6 months and I think I like it! I work at Clothing Revival and Old Navy, and consider myself somewhat of a workaholic. Some hobbies of mine include hiking, binge watching tv shows on Netflix, and playing volleyball. I have a love/hate relationship with coffee (Dutch Bros kills my bank account), and I am obsessed with the show “New Girl”.

In the Wenger article I find it really interesting the components of learning: meaning, practice, community, and identity. Much like our class discussion on Friday, I find it really easy to fit my learning experiences into these components. However, learning is so much more than textbooks and school classrooms!

“Learning in this sense is not a separate activity. It is not something we do when we do nothing else or stop doing when we do something else. There are times in our lives when learning is intensified: when situations shake our sense of familiarity, when we are challenged beyond our ability to respond, when we wish to engage in new practices and seek to join new communities”

This passage is so important. Learning is constantly happening in many different situations like work, relationships, sports, and many others! Just because someone is sitting within a classroom doesn’t mean that they are actually learning anything.