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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Author: kkrikourian

Is compositional writing NOT an activity system???

Is compositional writing NOT an activity system???

“Activity systems are 1) historically developed, 2) mediated by tools, 3) dialectically structured, 4) analyzed as the relations of participants and tools, and 5) changed through zones of proximal development .”

In this class we 1) read scholarly articles about the historical development of writing, 2) use tools such as CompHacker and Google Docs to help us with our writing, 3) are structured for class discussion and 4) class analysis based on how we looked at the issues. Lastly we 5) can do our own work, though free from particular content (I could write about aliens if I wanted), by relating it back to the works we read, which guides us.

How then is our composition course not already an activity system???