Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Siera Eaton

Another day, another riddle…

Another day, another riddle…

There is a tale I cannot tell,

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The name shall go unsaid.


There is no murderous mother,

More Halloween Clip Art Illustrations at http://www.ClipartOf.com

So get that out of your head.

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There is no moon-colored dress,

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Nor coats of different kinds,


Can you guess the tale I’m speaking of?

the little man and the big question mark. Isolated white background

Is it roaming in your minds?


Better Late Than Never… From The Eyes Of A Procrastinator…

Better Late Than Never… From The Eyes Of A Procrastinator…

Well, to begin with, my name is Siera Eaton.

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I am a twenty year old college student who dreams of being a perfect teacher. Now I’m sure we all have those dreams that we feel we are never going to reach… for me that goal is teaching. I feel like I have been going to school to be a teacher for so long and as soon as I graduated my JC and felt like I was half way there, low and behold I still had two more years at an upper division, a credential program year, student teaching and then FINALLY my own classroom; hopefully.

I have wanted to teach since I started high school. My inspiration? My first grade teacher and a few others along the way. Thank you Julie Coke and Jennifer Payne in particular!

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I am on the road right now and luckily have not hit any big road blocks. *Knock on wood*

Enough of this school stuff though; My boyfriend and I rescued our loving fur baby back in July and right now (aside form school) they are my life.

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In my opinion, a reader is a “bookworm”; someone who LOVES to read. I mean a lot, like ALL the time. I would not classify myself as a reader, although I do enjoy a good read. Outside of school I do not do much reading; I used to though. Way back when I loved reading romance novels and teen stories because I could relate to them and that is what I loved. I read completely differently outside of school. When I am reading for school and not enjoyment I skim a lot more. I also do not get as lost on the story as I do when reading for pleasure. This being said, my outside reading does not correlate to my school reading at all. Once I find a good book though, I cannot put it down.

This was one of my favorite’s in high school.

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