Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: Tara Moragn

Tara Morgan – Sick Cinderella Rhymes

Tara Morgan – Sick Cinderella Rhymes

She doesn’t mind the northern weather;

There, there aren’t any fish or feathers.

But there are, of course, family plots against her.

By no cupid’s bow was dear dad bit,

With no stones was the Cinderwench hit,

And I can’t seem to write a good riddle for shit.

Tara Morgan – Introdution

Tara Morgan – Introdution

Hello, my name is Tara Morgan, and I was born and raised here in Chico. Once upon a time, my parents came here to receive their degrees and never left, and when it came time for me to decide where I wanted to study, I stayed as well. I’m currently undergoing my third year here at Chico State and am studying to obtain a bachelor’s in Liberal Studies so that I may pursue my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher.

Many of my opinions about what it means to be a reader were shaped by being raised in an English teacher’s household. As I mentioned above, my father obtained his degree and teaching credential through Chico State, and he now works at Orland High School. I guess what they say about apples not tending to fall far from their trees holds some truth. In my view, a reader is someone who consumes and digests reading material– in that they strive to understand and form opinions about the material that they read.

This is my first semester working as a recreation leader for CARD’s after school program at Emma Wilson Elementary, and I absolutely adore my job. The experiences that I’ve gained working on that site have affirmed to me that I am making the right choice in pursuing a degree that will allow me to work with children for years to come. In the past, I’ve worked as a lifeguard for CARD’s aquatics program and have taught swim lessons, working at Bidwell Jr.’s PV Pool, Chico Jr.’s Shapiro Pool, and Bidwell Park’s One Mile (or Sycamore Pool, depending on who you talk to).

In my free time, I love to read anything fantasy or fiction– especially if it pertains to Lord of the Rings. I also love to go on hikes in Upper Bidwell Park and swim here at the WREC. I live with my fiancé named Jake and my cat named Cat.

Thank you for getting to know me! I look forward to getting to know you.