Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: djimenez

Daisy’s Story

Daisy’s Story

I am a transfer student to Chico this year  from Porterville a little town in the central valley I call home. I’ve known I wanted to be a teacher since I was small playing teacher was always my favorite. Since my junior year in high school I have been working with elementary school students in school settings and since then I’ve been reassured that teaching is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I pursing a bilingual multiple subject credential.  Pandas are my favorite animal, turquoise is my favorite color.

A “reader” is anybody who reads any forms of texts there are many different types of readers. My reading outside of school is more social media based occasionally I will read an online news article. Every now and then I will read a young adult book that really catches my attention but it does not happen very often. Most of my reading consists of school material. Very rarely does my reading connect to my school reading it happens when I read an article in the news about something going on in the world of education.

Something I took away from Williams article is his mention on how we need to remind students that they are constantly being readers through out their life but also talk with them about the way they engage in reading and the purpose behind it. Being clear with what the term “reader” means helps leave the mystery behind and tells students exactly what you expect from them when they are reading or even give them a perspective on what it means from them when they identify as readers.