Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: Zachary Frandsen

Introduction to Lauren

Introduction to Lauren

My first book that I choose to read was the Maze Runner By: James Dashner. My first look at the book it looks interesting and exciting and adventurous, but when I started to read it it was very interesting and made me want to read the next page and the next and after one day of reading I’m already on pg. 58. I don’t really read a lot only about 30 min. a night but that’s it but last night I read for 1 hour straight. Some things I like to do on my free time are paintball, airsofting, basketball, lacrosse, and talking with my girlfriend. I’m not really excited about talking with any of college people because I have major stage fright in front of new people so sorry if I look a little awkward at first but i’m really nice.