Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: Zachary Frandsen

Artifact dilemma

Artifact dilemma

I’m having problem deciding on my artifact I’m torn between a rap video and a poem about Maze Runner. Now the rap video would be very funny and everyone will laugh at me which i’m totally fine with and for the poem I would talk about how It changed my reading experience’s. All my guy friends are telling me to do a rap video and most of my girl friends (Girls that are my friends) are telling me to make a poem. I think I’m going to make a poem because I dislike YouTube and more people said poem but if you want to change my mind maybe you have till Saturday.


Zach: Finally done #Success

Zach: Finally done #Success

Wow its been another week and I have finished 5 books and now i’m on my sixth now and its Percy Jackson The Last Olympian and it is amazing but I really wished the other books had more action like this but I loved the suspense the 4th book had made for the 5th book. So far I’m loving this series and I would recommend this book for people who love action suspense building and drama.During  the 4th book I felt this was going to happen because on how the events lined up and I don’t want to say anything because I think it would ruin the storyline but let me tell you, you will love it a lot take my word.


Zach F: Its Been a while

Zach F: Its Been a while

Man its been a week since my last post and well i’m now finally caught up on my reading I’ve finished 4 books so far and now i’m on my fifth which is Pendragon The Merchant Of Death. The Merchant Of Death is really interesting I like it a lot because its fiction and I love fiction books a lot because they make the impossible, possible. I don’t want to spoil anything but read it and you’ll instantly be hooked I promise.

Zachary F. Maze Runner

Zachary F. Maze Runner

Right now i’m on pg. 170 and the book is sooooo good I can not stop reading its insane I got in trouble because I stayed up till 2 am in the morning reading now of coarse I woke up with 4 hours of sleep and might have fell asleep in history but its all worth it the book is amazing on how he makes you want to read the next page but sadly i’m half way through it I wish it had infinite pages so I can never stop reading.

I would recommend this book for people who love adventure, excitement and getting in trouble by your parents.