Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Sunniva Olson

Sunny O The Book Thief pages 141-200

Sunny O The Book Thief pages 141-200

Hi Jeannie,

So this section has really focused on Max Vandenburg and I’m attached to his character. His tragic story draws you in and you only see the outside from there but when you get to know him you see the side of him that Is real, not exactly fun but real, he turns this story Into a normal life, as if he were lucky, which I guess you could say he is for being a jew in Nazi Germany at that time but it just feels so normal laid out on paper.


In this section Rudy and Liesel have made a habit of being extra good thieves. Liesel is becoming more fit to her character of the book thief.


Hans has become more than just a happy man that plays the accordion all day. he now has some background and you can see further into him. I now know he was in a war and he lost his best friend but more importantly I know where Max is coming from and what the accordion means to him.



Sunny O The Book Thief pages: 71-140

Sunny O The Book Thief pages: 71-140

Hi Jeannie!

Marcus Zusak has painted a horrifying yet beautiful picture In my mind. It’s amazing how he makes objects come to life but makes humans seem dead, I’m sure he meant for it to be that way, since the narrator is the collector of souls and he sees people as if they were dead. I love how he described Pfiffikus on page 114 (white hair, a Nazi uniform, the same dilapidated shoes, and a triumphant whistle) It’s almost as If he was just listing off items that go together not the person they belonged too.


Hans Hubermann Is by far my favorite character. He Is described as soft and gentle but you can tell there Is something In him that waiting for the right moment to come out. He Is humorous and serious at the same time and he that’s how he makes Liesel love him and that’s how he keeps Liesel In check.


Liesel Is a pretty distraught little girl with a lot of ideas and thoughts. She Is not quite sneaky enough to be a pro thief yet but I have a feeling she will be one day. I’m at the point where I think I know where her mind leads her In this book but who knows she might just surprise me.


I also was just introduced to the character Max, and I’m not quite sure where It’s going but It’s pretty dark from what I have seen so I don’t know.

Sunny O The Book Thief pages 1-70

Sunny O The Book Thief pages 1-70

I found It really Interesting how the writer pauses every few pages to paint a picture for us with his words or tells us a fact. And the way that he writes In objects as if they were alive. He doesn’t just say how they look on that wooden table, he actually Introduces them as If the object had eyes and he was looking through them. I focused a lot on his writing technique but I thought that the way he Introduced death was pretty cool. I thought that It was really appropriate to make death the narrator, because In that situation the children are unaware but he was always there. And the writer made It slowly more and more obvious It was him. I really love this book so far.



Introduction to Jeannie

Introduction to Jeannie

Hi Jeannie, I’m Sunniva but everyone calls me Sunny. On my free time I like to do ballet and ride my bike or watch New Girl.  I’m really looking forward to reading with you. I think you will really enjoy the books I chose. I think that 13 reasons why is going to be really good, I chose this because I really liked the more teenage side of books. The Book Thief may be pretty long, but I think that we will go through it fast. Although it will be sad I’m really interested in good historic novels. I haven’t heard much about The Chocolate Wars but my teacher recommended it to me and I thought it would be something that we both would like. I really hope you like the books. I think that this will be a great experience because we will both get too read good books and share how we felt about them.

-Sunny O