Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Maia Hobson

Maia H: The Geography of You and Me

Maia H: The Geography of You and Me

Hi Riley. This weekend I finished The Geography of You and Me. I decided in the end the book was only okay. I think it’s going to be a rather forgettable story. The ending was the best part of the book I think, but what you had to read to get there made it not worth it. I didn’t really enjoy reading this that much. I just felt somewhat obligated to continue. Maybe it was because I was already so far.

Overall I rate this book 4/10. It lacked a climax, leaving the book to be more boring. I like when books are so good you have to continue reading, but it wasn’t like that with this book.

Have you finished it yet? Let me know.


Maia H: the Geography of You and Me

Maia H: the Geography of You and Me

Hi Riley. I’m about halfway through the book but I haven’t really taken a particular liking or disliking yet.Maybe it’ll just be a book I’m sort of ‘eh’ about.  What I like about GY&M is how the book is split into sections: here, there, everywhere, somewhere and home. I think the book is sort of about how what if you meet the right person at the wrong time, and that’s an interesting topic. I believe in fate though and think things will work out like they should.

The book kind of jumped into things fast so I understand why you wouldn’t like that; especially compared to Maze Runner which had a slow but exciting build up. I didn’t think it was so bad but I find myself waiting for something climatic to happen. Maybe closer to the ending.

Central Park is a really cool place to see; especially the John Lennon memorial. People sit around there playing music and it’s nice. It’s a fully man-made park which seems strange when you’re there because you might not have guessed it. I agree, I don’t think I would live there but would love to visit more.

I’m hoping to finish the book soon but might not as I’m trying to read another book simultaneously and I enjoy it more. I’ll put Wonder on my list.

Maia H: The Geography of You and Me

Maia H: The Geography of You and Me

Hi Riley, this week I started a new book. I mentioned it in my introduction post, it’s The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith. So far it’s pretty good. I think having a blackout in a city like New York would be really amazing but maybe not the heat. It wasn’t hot when I visited NYC with my class in March, it was snowing so it’s hard to imagine that. I like the characters alright so far but they don’t exactly pop out at me. I do like the idea of postcards that they talked about though. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a postcard that says “Wish You Were Here” before. I think it would be as cheesy as described.

I don’t think that this book will be as good as Maze Runner but then again, I didn’t think I would even like Maze Runner. I’ve never read a book by Jennifer E. Smith; she’s not a bad writer so far. It just hasn’t jumped out at me yet, and when I say ‘it’ I mean a moment when I know I like the book. I’m not quite there.

Have you started it? If you have do you feel the same or have you taken a liking/disliking? Get back to me when you can.
