Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Cora McCutcheon

New Book, Cora M.

New Book, Cora M.

Dear Madison,  I have finished my 3 books, and I am starting another, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, by John Berendt. It is a murder mystery set in the past, and so far I am only on page 10 and not much has happened. I’m going to read more tonight and blog again soon when something interesting happens. I’m curious, what are some of your favorite books? And do you have a favorite author? I love the writing of Cassandra Claire, and her book series The Mortal Instruments is my all-time favorite. I hope to hear from you soon, -Cora.

Cora M, Rebel Spirits 2

Cora M, Rebel Spirits 2

Hi Madison, I finished Rebel Spirits, and I was a little bit shocked by the ending, because I had been under the happy illusion that if Lori solved Nathaniel’s murder then he would be able to stay with her, maybe still as a ghost, but still with her, so I was sad when I realized that Nathaniel would fade away forever. I totally saw the whole Amelia Wilhoit thing coming, because she was a very suspicious character, and she ratted Lori out about her and Evan’s phone conversation about Nathaniel’s murder. I can’t wait to hear what you thought about the book.

Cora M, Rebel Spirits

Cora M, Rebel Spirits

Hi Madison, sorry I am not very far into Rebel spirits, because I am reading another book. So far, I like that Lori has had past experiences with the spiritual world, like the boy falling out of the tree. When she was talking to her brother and they both saw someone behind her but she turned around and nobody was there, it was dark out, and I kept looking over my shoulder. The girl Lori goes to the cemetery with who also sees Nathaniel is kind of a confusing character, and sort of mysterious. I wonder if Lori will ever be able to make Nathaniel human again so they can be together! I can’t wait to blog with you again next week.