Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: adeanda

Kissing the Witch

Kissing the Witch

The tale that I enjoyed the most was the tale of the brother, which is based off Snow Queen. I have a younger sister and totally understand the whole rivalry between siblings but the little girl in this book felt very threatened by her brother. My mom always tells me to watch what I say because words can’t be taken back. She wished that her brother would go away and once he disappeared she wished so badly for him back. I think that this is very relevant in today’s society because more often than not words fly out of our mouths before we even think how they could have an affect on the people around us. I think that the book is titled Kissing the Witch because if you think about it literally why would you ever want to kiss a witch, I think that it is used as a metaphor for doing something unanticipated. Something else that stuck out to me was how the stories weren’t all male centered and it had a pretty large focus on the women.

Snow White

Snow White

It was very interesting reading the different versions of Snow White, especially because I never knew that there was more than one version of the tale. It has been a while since I have seen the Disney movie of Snow White but after reading Grimms version bits and pieces came flooding back. One specific thing I remembered was how she stumbled upon the cottage. The differences though were how she started eating the food and how she sampled all of the beds. Something else that surprised me was when Snow Whites mother bled on the snow and wished that her daughter was white as snow. Another difference was how the step mom asked the huntsman to bring back her heart and liver, which was different than the movie because she only asked for the heart as proof. I think that the way that Disney modified the story made it more appealing to children because the way I look at it I would have been terrified if I saw Grimms story.

Bluebeard poem Alyssa DeAnda

Bluebeard poem Alyssa DeAnda

No magical key lies with thee

No trace of a dream, its not what it seems

No sorcerers acting as beggars

No chirping birds, or bold signs on the wall

Do you know the tale I attempt to tell?

Alyssa DeAnda Blog #1

Alyssa DeAnda Blog #1


A) My name is Alyssa DeAnda and i am 20 years old and this is my third year at Chico State. I was born in Stockton, CA and attended Lincoln High School. I played varsity soccer all four years and now looking back realized that is where i focused primarily a lll of my focus. Although I never actually failed or did horribly in the classes I took in high school, i have recently realized I never put all my effort into my studies. Once I reached college I made a decision that I wanted to do really well in this next chapter of my life. I began my journey at Chico State majoring in Pre Nursing. My grandma had cancer and I thought that I wanted to be in the medical field to assist with people who had cancer. After two years of taking classes towards getting into the nursing program I realized that it was not the path for me, my heart just wasn’t in it like it needed to be if I wanted to get into the program. I changed my major to Liberal studies at the end of my sophomore year, I was really worried about how far it would set me back but realized after being a nanny and volunteering at a preschool my heart lies with working with children, I am so excited to see where this new path will take me, and I am already so happy with the classes that I am now taking.

B)  To me being a reader means that you participate in reading a variety of material. It doesn’t mean that you have to read a vast amount of books a month, it can range anywhere from a newspaper article, comic books, twitter, Facebook posts, online articles and the list goes on and on. Another point that i would like to make is that to be a reader you also need to comprehend what you are reading, don’t just read to read understanding what you are reading is also a key point. From my perspective reading come in all different shapes and sizes.

I wish that i could say I do a lot of outside reading but I don’t. Most of my reading comes from buzzfeed articles, twitter, and the occasional romantic novels. it isn’t that i don’t enjoy reading it is just that with a busy schedule i find it hard to get into a book with so many other things going on. I usually save my big readings over summer so that I can fully invest myself in what i am reading.

In Williams article he heavily focused on how each generations idea of what is appropriate literacy changes. Generation after generation our idea of what is correct changes. If you look over the past 20 years the slang has changed widely but that still means it is considered slang we just have put our own spin on it. This article helped me realize that the fear of the next illiterate class is nothing new it has been happening for generations, and that we need not put people down for the way they speak or read but push them to strive to improve.