Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: jmora10

Hi my name is Jacqueline Mora, but most people call me Jackie. I am currently a fourth year at Chico State. I am a Liberal Studies major; my plan is to first grade. On my free time I enjoy being outdoors, and spending time with loved ones.
Blog 4, Kissing the Witch by Jacqueline Mora

Blog 4, Kissing the Witch by Jacqueline Mora


My favorite story from the book Kissing the Witch had to be about the Tale of the Apple. I liked this story the most because it was made differently from the regular Snow White fairy tale. There was no prince charming coming to a rescue in this tell. Snow White came back to life on her own after the poison of the apple the step mother gave her passed her body. It just shows how independent women have become now a days and how they don’t need to wait for prince charming anymore, how women could take manners into their own hands. I also saw the competition factor between Snow White and her step mother. “I know now that I would have liked her if we could have met as girls, ankle deep in a river.  I would have taken her hand in mine if I had not found it weighted down by the ruby stolen from my mother’s cooling finger.  I could have loved her if, if, if.”  Many women now a days are always in constant competition with each other, and it has to do a lot with media, and men. Our culture says we have to look prettier, work harder, get the best guy, and you can’t feel happy for someone if they are doing better than you are. Emma Donoghue tries to question this standards that our culture has put on women.


I believe author Emma Donoghue titled her book Kissing the Witch, because it’s used as the context that in the real fairytale stories the witch would have not been kissed by and of the characters because she was seen as a bad person. Emma Donoghue broke the traditional fairytale but adding different twist to every story. It gave me a sense of girl power feel reading these different stories. A was a connection of between good versus evil. Like every human has good traits and bad traits and not everyone is perfect. By kissing the with you would give in to her power and you would lose your power how sometimes we make decisions to fall in love and threw your whole heart in “losing your power” but not knowing what the outcome would be good or bad. It’s just a part of life that we must all have to go through.

A riddle, Jacqueline Mora

A riddle, Jacqueline Mora

There is no warning sign of “Be Hold, Be Hold”

No bluebeards, or enchanted keys here

He leaves no egg, in his gold and silver house

He’s not sorcerer that disguises

Blog #1, Jackie Mora

Blog #1, Jackie Mora

Hello classmates my name is Jacqueline Mora, but most people call me Jackie. I am currently a fourth year at this university. I was born and raised in Southern California in the city of Pomona. I am Liberal Studies major in bilingual/cross cultural option. I hope to teach kindergarten or first grade in the future. After I graduate, and receive my teaching credential from Chico State, I plan on volunteering in the Peace Corps for three years. The rest of my story is yet to be fulfilled, but I am excited to see what the future holds for me.


Why Johnny can never, ever read: The perpetual literacy crisis and student identity

What does it mean to be “a reader?” from your perspective?

“A reader” is someone who enjoys reading in my perspective. I believe everyone could be considered a reader even if they don’t enjoy it as much as some other people. Readings are done in so many different ways now a days; blogs, social media, recipes, new papers, magazines, and the lists goes on. I would say that a reader is someone that enjoys reading but at the end everyone is a reader in their own way.


I do a lot of reading outside of the classroom environment. On an everyday basis I read Facebook status, my daily horoscopes, online articles, recipes, and the list goes on. My reading outside of the classroom environment are semi similar as my readings in the classroom environment. Readings in the classroom environment and usually textbook and educational articles about my major. I do enjoy these readings because they’re based on what I want to do in the future and I love learning about the educational world. At times outside of the classroom environment I read informative articles based on my major and this makes my readings inside the classroom and outside similar.


What I took away from the article “Why Johnny can never, ever read: The Perpetual literacy crisis and student identity” by, Bronwyn T. Williams was that many people have different perspectives on the literacy crisis in United States. I learned that this has been a continuing problem for many years. I believe that are literacy problem has improved because of social media and all the new technology. People now a days are always reading and practicing their literacy skills but not everyone sees it in this perspective. The author of this article encourages the changes of literacy practices.