Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: jmora10

Hi my name is Jacqueline Mora, but most people call me Jackie. I am currently a fourth year at Chico State. I am a Liberal Studies major; my plan is to first grade. On my free time I enjoy being outdoors, and spending time with loved ones.
The Fault in Our Stars, Jackie Mora

The Fault in Our Stars, Jackie Mora

I have finished the whole book already, but have not really blogged about it. I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. Yes the ending was unexpected and very sad but it was perfectly written in my opinion. I am usually not the type of person to read love stories, but I think I starting change my opinion on this genre type now. The Fault in Our Stars is about sixteen year old Hazel Grace Lancaster who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, at the age of thirteen. Three years later and she is still alive, her life has been temporarily prolonged by a miracle drug, but Hazel is suffering from depression. She then starts attending the Cancer Support Group and meets Augustus Waters. The love of her life that suffered from cancer and had to get his leg ambulated. Hazel and Augustus love story did not least for too long but it was theirs and one of a kind.

This book was truly amazing. It produced deep emotions within me and it broke my heart and I actually felt I was in the love story. I has been a while since a book made me feel so many emotions and made me want to laugh and cry and think about the true meaning of life and what it’s like to actually live. John Green, is an amazing author. Augustus Waters did everything in his power to make Hazel Grace happy for the time they were together. The plot twist was definitely not expected by readers. But I definitely recommend this book to anyone that wants to read a great love story and would not mind tearing up. You will definitely tear up.




Jackie Mora; The Fault in Our Stars

Jackie Mora; The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars; Project
The Fault In Our Stars; Project

I made a memory box for my project were Hazel Grace stores all the letters, notes, and other things that remind her of Augustus Waters. The reason I made was to share a bit of the meaningful objects from the story. The closed box is painted blue, and I drew the cover of the book. I hope you enjoy my piece.

Book Club; Rhea P, and Ian T

Book Club; Rhea P, and Ian T

Hi Rhea, and Ian,

My name is Jacqueline Mora but I go by Jackie. I am currently a fourth year at Chico State University, majoring in Liberal Studies. I enjoy being outdoors on my free time, usually hiking, and discovering cool new adventures. I enjoy reading fiction books, but lately I have become very interested in horoscopes/zodiac signs so I have picked up a couple great books that go more in depth about my new interests. I am so excited to read these great books you two have chosen for me to read, and to blog our thoughts about them. I’ve started reading The Fault in Our Stars, and so far it’s very entertaining. Once I finish the book I have made a promised to myself to watch the movie. I look forward to hearing from you two soon. Let me a few of things about yourself like; some of your hobbies, what are you favorite books to read, and anything else you want me to know.

Sincerely your friendly college blogger,

Jackie Mora

Blog #5: Wild About Reading by Jacqueline Mora

Blog #5: Wild About Reading by Jacqueline Mora


My take-away ideas from Reading in the Wild by Donalyn Miller, was all positive. She gave many examples on how to get students motivated and excited about reading. I really enjoyed reading in this chapter about Reading Itinerary were the students were asked to record on a calendar log for a week every place they were when they read and how much time they spent reading in each location. She believed by doing this the students would “reflect on their reading habits and determine patterns they might not recognize day-to-day.” (Pg; 18) I enjoyed how this Reading Itinerary is not graded it is a self-refection for the students’ to know more about their reading habits and values outside and inside the classroom environment.

What seemed challenging about teaching students how to become wild about reading would be finding out what students are having challenging time reading, and how I would be able to fix that. Miller describes a section called Fake Reading and Reading Avoidance as one of the most challenging parts of teaching children how to become wild about reading because many of these students “have learned how to fake-read, and they have become so good at playing the game at school.” (Pg; 26) I have met many classmates that learned “how to beat the system” in their eyes but at the end this “beating the system” is only hurting them in the long run.  The challenge would recognizing why students’ fake-read and what I could do to help the students overcome their fake-reading and reading avoidance habits.

What I most look forward to when teaching reading to students is when they pick up a book they truly enjoy reading from point a to point b. I look forward to the day all my students start recommending books to each other because that means they really enjoyed the books and they want other classmates to feel the same. I am most afraid of not engaging all students the same way about reading. I know not every student is the same and everyone enjoys different hobbies, but I honestly do believe reading is for everyone.