Author: LunchTimeRandom

Thinking Thoughts We Forgot To Think About

Little side note as I feel all of everything from this semester is blending together, but in Fosen’s class we just read Nelson’s “Reading Classrooms as Text”, which I find helpful as a student. It also makes me question if I am reading this classroom right and what we are to blog about. Initially I had the urge to just regurgitate the information, but I feel like sometimes in doing that, I don’t really remember the material than if I find how that reading is applicable to my classrooms or life in general. So, in saying that I will do a bit of both regurgitation and application, though I am still feeling out the dynamic of the class, so not sure what path I am on yet.

So we start with the myth that being literate is the key to being financially and socially successful, but that is not that case. Majority of social inequality stems from, “Class, ethnicity, race, and gender” (Graff, 641). If this is the case than the idea of being successful does not wholly require you to be literate. Though, as we mentioned in class, is there not some form of literacy that needs to be achieved, ie: reading signs, symbols, etc.? Which brings us back to where we started in what do we consider “literacy”. Jonny brought up in class a great point last week when he spoke about his culture and how his culture did not need the same literacy we in our American culture did. They could communicate with stories and spoken words, but his family understood the importance of an “American education” and the need to be “literate” to succeed. His culture has a different view on what success is and how being literate applies. As we see in in “Literacy Myth at Thirty”, it seems to be the culture that makes a person successful, not being literate in the “American” sense..

Case in point is, “Writing “Race” and the Difference it Makes”. There are great points mentioned that literacy has become a tool to oppress others. In using literacy that way, it was an excuse to feel both superior while continuing to make others feel inferior, contributing to the continuing bias of those who were “illiterate” or “incapable” of formal writing. In a way do we not still do that? In no child left behind, it promised to keep everyone on the same page, but if you spoke a second language and your writing was weak, you were not set up for success, but rather “weeded out” for your “illiteracy”. We will always find a way to use literature (not necessarily education, as Dani pointed out in her notes, both have been used to oppress others, but we are using literacy as a separate variable) to benefit those who have already the benefit of being a fluent speaker and writer. Just as we as a society will always use whatever means we can to find superiority.

To continue this argument beyond the reading, as teachers, do we then find ourselves forgetting the legacy of other cultures and pushing things like grammar and well-structured sentences and forget what it is the students are really saying? Do we push so hard for this “literacy” that we forget to look beyond that and look for what is really being said? And in saying that, if we let loose on the grammar and sentence structure, etc, do we lose value in what literacy really is? Or maybe, just maybe, I myself have no idea what literacy is and am reading the readings wrong. That is a total possibility...

Thinking Thoughts We Forgot To Think About

Little side note as I feel all of everything from this semester is blending together, but in Fosen’s class we just read Nelson’s “Reading Classrooms as Text”, which I find helpful as a student. It also makes me question if I am reading this classroom right and what we are to blog about. Initially I had the urge to just regurgitate the information, but I feel like sometimes in doing that, I don’t really remember the material than if I find how that reading is applicable to my classrooms or life in general. So, in saying that I will do a bit of both regurgitation and application, though I am still feeling out the dynamic of the class, so not sure what path I am on yet.

So we start with the myth that being literate is the key to being financially and socially successful, but that is not that case. Majority of social inequality stems from, “Class, ethnicity, race, and gender” (Graff, 641). If this is the case than the idea of being successful does not wholly require you to be literate. Though, as we mentioned in class, is there not some form of literacy that needs to be achieved, ie: reading signs, symbols, etc.? Which brings us back to where we started in what do we consider “literacy”. Jonny brought up in class a great point last week when he spoke about his culture and how his culture did not need the same literacy we in our American culture did. They could communicate with stories and spoken words, but his family understood the importance of an “American education” and the need to be “literate” to succeed. His culture has a different view on what success is and how being literate applies. As we see in in “Literacy Myth at Thirty”, it seems to be the culture that makes a person successful, not being literate in the “American” sense..

Case in point is, “Writing “Race” and the Difference it Makes”. There are great points mentioned that literacy has become a tool to oppress others. In using literacy that way, it was an excuse to feel both superior while continuing to make others feel inferior, contributing to the continuing bias of those who were “illiterate” or “incapable” of formal writing. In a way do we not still do that? In no child left behind, it promised to keep everyone on the same page, but if you spoke a second language and your writing was weak, you were not set up for success, but rather “weeded out” for your “illiteracy”. We will always find a way to use literature (not necessarily education, as Dani pointed out in her notes, both have been used to oppress others, but we are using literacy as a separate variable) to benefit those who have already the benefit of being a fluent speaker and writer. Just as we as a society will always use whatever means we can to find superiority.

To continue this argument beyond the reading, as teachers, do we then find ourselves forgetting the legacy of other cultures and pushing things like grammar and well-structured sentences and forget what it is the students are really saying? Do we push so hard for this “literacy” that we forget to look beyond that and look for what is really being said? And in saying that, if we let loose on the grammar and sentence structure, etc, do we lose value in what literacy really is? Or maybe, just maybe, I myself have no idea what literacy is and am reading the readings wrong. That is a total possibility...

Thinking Thoughts We Forgot To Think About

Little side note as I feel all of everything from this semester is blending together, but in Fosen’s class we just read Nelson’s “Reading Classrooms as Text”, which I find helpful as a student. It also makes me question if I am reading this classroom right and what we are to blog about. Initially I had the urge to just regurgitate the information, but I feel like sometimes in doing that, I don’t really remember the material than if I find how that reading is applicable to my classrooms or life in general. So, in saying that I will do a bit of both regurgitation and application, though I am still feeling out the dynamic of the class, so not sure what path I am on yet.

So we start with the myth that being literate is the key to being financially and socially successful, but that is not that case. Majority of social inequality stems from, “Class, ethnicity, race, and gender” (Graff, 641). If this is the case than the idea of being successful does not wholly require you to be literate. Though, as we mentioned in class, is there not some form of literacy that needs to be achieved, ie: reading signs, symbols, etc.? Which brings us back to where we started in what do we consider “literacy”. Jonny brought up in class a great point last week when he spoke about his culture and how his culture did not need the same literacy we in our American culture did. They could communicate with stories and spoken words, but his family understood the importance of an “American education” and the need to be “literate” to succeed. His culture has a different view on what success is and how being literate applies. As we see in in “Literacy Myth at Thirty”, it seems to be the culture that makes a person successful, not being literate in the “American” sense..

Case in point is, “Writing “Race” and the Difference it Makes”. There are great points mentioned that literacy has become a tool to oppress others. In using literacy that way, it was an excuse to feel both superior while continuing to make others feel inferior, contributing to the continuing bias of those who were “illiterate” or “incapable” of formal writing. In a way do we not still do that? In no child left behind, it promised to keep everyone on the same page, but if you spoke a second language and your writing was weak, you were not set up for success, but rather “weeded out” for your “illiteracy”. We will always find a way to use literature (not necessarily education, as Dani pointed out in her notes, both have been used to oppress others, but we are using literacy as a separate variable) to benefit those who have already the benefit of being a fluent speaker and writer. Just as we as a society will always use whatever means we can to find superiority.

To continue this argument beyond the reading, as teachers, do we then find ourselves forgetting the legacy of other cultures and pushing things like grammar and well-structured sentences and forget what it is the students are really saying? Do we push so hard for this “literacy” that we forget to look beyond that and look for what is really being said? And in saying that, if we let loose on the grammar and sentence structure, etc, do we lose value in what literacy really is? Or maybe, just maybe, I myself have no idea what literacy is and am reading the readings wrong. That is a total possibility...

Thinking Thoughts We Forgot To Think About

Little side note as I feel all of everything from this semester is blending together, but in Fosen’s class we just read Nelson’s “Reading Classrooms as Text”, which I find helpful as a student. It also makes me question if I am reading this classroom right and what we are to blog about. Initially I had the urge to just regurgitate the information, but I feel like sometimes in doing that, I don’t really remember the material than if I find how that reading is applicable to my classrooms or life in general. So, in saying that I will do a bit of both regurgitation and application, though I am still feeling out the dynamic of the class, so not sure what path I am on yet.

So we start with the myth that being literate is the key to being financially and socially successful, but that is not that case. Majority of social inequality stems from, “Class, ethnicity, race, and gender” (Graff, 641). If this is the case than the idea of being successful does not wholly require you to be literate. Though, as we mentioned in class, is there not some form of literacy that needs to be achieved, ie: reading signs, symbols, etc.? Which brings us back to where we started in what do we consider “literacy”. Jonny brought up in class a great point last week when he spoke about his culture and how his culture did not need the same literacy we in our American culture did. They could communicate with stories and spoken words, but his family understood the importance of an “American education” and the need to be “literate” to succeed. His culture has a different view on what success is and how being literate applies. As we see in in “Literacy Myth at Thirty”, it seems to be the culture that makes a person successful, not being literate in the “American” sense..

Case in point is, “Writing “Race” and the Difference it Makes”. There are great points mentioned that literacy has become a tool to oppress others. In using literacy that way, it was an excuse to feel both superior while continuing to make others feel inferior, contributing to the continuing bias of those who were “illiterate” or “incapable” of formal writing. In a way do we not still do that? In no child left behind, it promised to keep everyone on the same page, but if you spoke a second language and your writing was weak, you were not set up for success, but rather “weeded out” for your “illiteracy”. We will always find a way to use literature (not necessarily education, as Dani pointed out in her notes, both have been used to oppress others, but we are using literacy as a separate variable) to benefit those who have already the benefit of being a fluent speaker and writer. Just as we as a society will always use whatever means we can to find superiority.

To continue this argument beyond the reading, as teachers, do we then find ourselves forgetting the legacy of other cultures and pushing things like grammar and well-structured sentences and forget what it is the students are really saying? Do we push so hard for this “literacy” that we forget to look beyond that and look for what is really being said? And in saying that, if we let loose on the grammar and sentence structure, etc, do we lose value in what literacy really is? Or maybe, just maybe, I myself have no idea what literacy is and am reading the readings wrong. That is a total possibility...

Goody and Watt thoughts

Originally I was going to answer the questions presented about the reading, but upon walking around on campus, something in me changed. I saw heads down, looking at phones, arms waving in gestures of acknowledgement or even in making a statement while telling a story. It would be inaccurate to make a statement that without written word we would not be able to record oral stories or gestures. Yes, we have been recording the written word for as long as we had been able to think to put chisel to tablet. But what about a new way of Is it possible in so many ways our ways of communications are coming back to full circle. There will always be a need for oral communication, even as it has evolved. But is not like the written word? There will always be miscommunication whether it is an oral or written communication because we all communicate differently aside firm the language itself.

On the idea of words being created orally, written, then discarded from both aspects, that is the beauty of language in itself. The word “dude” was uttered once, either out of context or created on a whim and then it developed into something it never was born to be. Or the idea of markings losing meaning. Yes, they will. As we develop as a society, we will mutate words to work with our continually growing vocabulary do to our continually growing technology and so forth. Language grows and develops with a society as it does with a student or child. They adapt as they need to consider their surroundings and situation. I think that as we communicate orally, we will always continue to have a written word as well because it is in our nature to need to have a way to communicate on as many levels as possible. if we can say a word, we will find a way to write that word. Oral and written vocabulary is synonym in the sense that to have one you will ultimately find the other, whether it be a symbol or a word or a sign for what word. We will always have another way of saying/writing something. The beautiful thing about this then becomes the meaning of the word “literate” and what does “literacy actually mean? Can you be literate in coding, but not be able to read a text book? Can you be literate in oral speaking and yet not know how to read? Is literacy or lack there of really such a thing or is it possible that you can be literate in any means of communication? 

***I feel like my thoughts are all over the place and I apologize. I was trying to apply the reading to what we see every day and the depth in which communication and literacy goes, but it was hard to put that into exact words without rambling...which I feel like I already have. 

Goody and Watt thoughts

Originally I was going to answer the questions presented about the reading, but upon walking around on campus, something in me changed. I saw heads down, looking at phones, arms waving in gestures of acknowledgement or even in making a statement while telling a story. It would be inaccurate to make a statement that without written word we would not be able to record oral stories or gestures. Yes, we have been recording the written word for as long as we had been able to think to put chisel to tablet. But what about a new way of Is it possible in so many ways our ways of communications are coming back to full circle. There will always be a need for oral communication, even as it has evolved. But is not like the written word? There will always be miscommunication whether it is an oral or written communication because we all communicate differently aside firm the language itself.

On the idea of words being created orally, written, then discarded from both aspects, that is the beauty of language in itself. The word “dude” was uttered once, either out of context or created on a whim and then it developed into something it never was born to be. Or the idea of markings losing meaning. Yes, they will. As we develop as a society, we will mutate words to work with our continually growing vocabulary do to our continually growing technology and so forth. Language grows and develops with a society as it does with a student or child. They adapt as they need to consider their surroundings and situation. I think that as we communicate orally, we will always continue to have a written word as well because it is in our nature to need to have a way to communicate on as many levels as possible. if we can say a word, we will find a way to write that word. Oral and written vocabulary is synonym in the sense that to have one you will ultimately find the other, whether it be a symbol or a word or a sign for what word. We will always have another way of saying/writing something. The beautiful thing about this then becomes the meaning of the word “literate” and what does “literacy actually mean? Can you be literate in coding, but not be able to read a text book? Can you be literate in oral speaking and yet not know how to read? Is literacy or lack there of really such a thing or is it possible that you can be literate in any means of communication? 

***I feel like my thoughts are all over the place and I apologize. I was trying to apply the reading to what we see every day and the depth in which communication and literacy goes, but it was hard to put that into exact words without rambling...which I feel like I already have. 

Goody and Watt thoughts

Originally I was going to answer the questions presented about the reading, but upon walking around on campus, something in me changed. I saw heads down, looking at phones, arms waving in gestures of acknowledgement or even in making a statement while telling a story. It would be inaccurate to make a statement that without written word we would not be able to record oral stories or gestures. Yes, we have been recording the written word for as long as we had been able to think to put chisel to tablet. But what about a new way of Is it possible in so many ways our ways of communications are coming back to full circle. There will always be a need for oral communication, even as it has evolved. But is not like the written word? There will always be miscommunication whether it is an oral or written communication because we all communicate differently aside firm the language itself.

On the idea of words being created orally, written, then discarded from both aspects, that is the beauty of language in itself. The word “dude” was uttered once, either out of context or created on a whim and then it developed into something it never was born to be. Or the idea of markings losing meaning. Yes, they will. As we develop as a society, we will mutate words to work with our continually growing vocabulary do to our continually growing technology and so forth. Language grows and develops with a society as it does with a student or child. They adapt as they need to consider their surroundings and situation. I think that as we communicate orally, we will always continue to have a written word as well because it is in our nature to need to have a way to communicate on as many levels as possible. if we can say a word, we will find a way to write that word. Oral and written vocabulary is synonym in the sense that to have one you will ultimately find the other, whether it be a symbol or a word or a sign for what word. We will always have another way of saying/writing something. The beautiful thing about this then becomes the meaning of the word “literate” and what does “literacy actually mean? Can you be literate in coding, but not be able to read a text book? Can you be literate in oral speaking and yet not know how to read? Is literacy or lack there of really such a thing or is it possible that you can be literate in any means of communication? 

***I feel like my thoughts are all over the place and I apologize. I was trying to apply the reading to what we see every day and the depth in which communication and literacy goes, but it was hard to put that into exact words without rambling...which I feel like I already have. 

Goody and Watt thoughts

Originally I was going to answer the questions presented about the reading, but upon walking around on campus, something in me changed. I saw heads down, looking at phones, arms waving in gestures of acknowledgement or even in making a statement while telling a story. It would be inaccurate to make a statement that without written word we would not be able to record oral stories or gestures. Yes, we have been recording the written word for as long as we had been able to think to put chisel to tablet. But what about a new way of Is it possible in so many ways our ways of communications are coming back to full circle. There will always be a need for oral communication, even as it has evolved. But is not like the written word? There will always be miscommunication whether it is an oral or written communication because we all communicate differently aside firm the language itself.

On the idea of words being created orally, written, then discarded from both aspects, that is the beauty of language in itself. The word “dude” was uttered once, either out of context or created on a whim and then it developed into something it never was born to be. Or the idea of markings losing meaning. Yes, they will. As we develop as a society, we will mutate words to work with our continually growing vocabulary do to our continually growing technology and so forth. Language grows and develops with a society as it does with a student or child. They adapt as they need to consider their surroundings and situation. I think that as we communicate orally, we will always continue to have a written word as well because it is in our nature to need to have a way to communicate on as many levels as possible. if we can say a word, we will find a way to write that word. Oral and written vocabulary is synonym in the sense that to have one you will ultimately find the other, whether it be a symbol or a word or a sign for what word. We will always have another way of saying/writing something. The beautiful thing about this then becomes the meaning of the word “literate” and what does “literacy actually mean? Can you be literate in coding, but not be able to read a text book? Can you be literate in oral speaking and yet not know how to read? Is literacy or lack there of really such a thing or is it possible that you can be literate in any means of communication? 

***I feel like my thoughts are all over the place and I apologize. I was trying to apply the reading to what we see every day and the depth in which communication and literacy goes, but it was hard to put that into exact words without rambling...which I feel like I already have.