Author: kjaxon

Hello nice grad students!

Welcome to our fall 2014 website for English 692. I am so excited to work together this semester, as our class will be a part of the larger Connected Courses network. We will be working with faculty from all over the world.

We’ll spend the first class session designing your plans for how you would like to move through the course. I’ll bring a variety of artifacts for us to consider as a way to support your plan development. We’ll also discuss the documentary The Internet’s Own Boy: The Aaron Swartz Story (2014) as a way to pull out threads that may be interesting for us to pursue. The readings and resources you use will emerge from your pursuits.

We will also think about what we’d like to produce and make this semester. I’m thinking that every week we will start with a “gallery walk” where we share the ideas we’ve wrestled with that week. You can blog, create films or other visuals, curate resources, or sketch or map out ideas for others in the class to consider. We’ll share these mini creations in a gallery walk format: we can move about our virtual and physical spaces and consider each other’s creations.

I’d also like us to think about a way to share what we learn with a broader audience toward the end of the semester: maybe we will want to produce our own documentary, or a curated website, or a single issue journal with a series of blogs and articles. We’ll decide together and then divide the labor and roles.

Eat your wheaties! I have a million ideas for our class! And I look forward to your input too!


Connected Learning Summer

In case you haven’t seen the Connected Learning MOOC yet, you should consider checking it out. Still plenty of time to jump in and make, collaborate, and play, or even just lurk. Peter Kittle, Jarret Krone and I just finished a week leading the charge in making and thinking with memes. It has been awesome.

Here’s the Storify from our Twitter chat this week: lots of great dialogue, provocations, and resources.

Great Google Community and Twitter feed going on too. You should hang out with us. #clmooc