Make Cycles

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Events in July 2024

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August 4, 2024
Make Cycle 2 & Golden Lines

Make Cycle 2 & Golden Lines

Hello again everyone, First of all, really beautiful work with the mentor texts. You did a fabulous job noticing the structures of these texts like the repetition of names, the use of features like italics or dialogue or lines breaks for impact. I also appreciate how many of you connected with the story of Maria …

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Week 2: Reminders & Updates

Week 2: Reminders & Updates

Hello nice people of English 333! Thank you so much for a great first week! I appreciate your incredibly thoughtful work already. Video update below with some information for this week. Please try to take a few minutes–less than 8 min–to watch the video updates. I think they will provide further context. 😉 Coming up …

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Week One: updates

Week One: updates

Hello again everyone! So awesome to see the introductions taking place in our Currents Community already; thank you! The amount of cute kids in our feed is adorable overload. As promised, here is a longer video update that I hope explains some of our tasks. Below is another video that shares our website and its …

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Welcome to English 333 fall 2020!

Welcome to English 333 fall 2020!

Hello everyone! I am so excited to write and work together this semester! Please check out our site and the various pages. I’ve created a quick welcome video that I hope offers some insights into our course. I’ll add a longer video soon with more insights about our class and then I will update the …

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