Why a good book is a secret door

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Tag: jcole912

Caleb C, Maze Runner

Caleb C, Maze Runner

Hi Joanna, Maze Runner is such a good book and I hope you like it too! I’m at the part when Thomas see’s Minho and Alby and enters the Maze. I think I would have done the same decision as Thomas. I think it was a risking move but a smart one. The move that Thomas did to avoid contact with the Griever helped them out really good. If he wouldn’t of done that then they would probably be dead. I think that was a major step to figuring out how to survive the Maze. I think Thomas should deserve to be a Runner and he should tell everyone what he remembers and that he remembers the girl. I can’t wait to read more and to hear your thoughts on the book!

– Caleb

Caleb C, My Brother Sam Is Dead

Caleb C, My Brother Sam Is Dead

Hi Joanna! I finished My Brother Sam Is Dead last week. I thought that this was an a lot better book then Woods Runner. I don’t know the progress your on right now for that book so I will try not to spoil anything!

I thought that Tim and his brother were having a hard life with tuns of chores and also that there dad was very strict and always thought that he was right. Throughout the book I could tell that Tim was getting more mature then he was in the beginning of the book. He had to be a grown up and he was good at that. Tim’s brother, Sam had his rights to go to war and not be at home. I felt really sad when they thought that Sam stole there own Cattle and he had to go to jail even when Tim was with him and saw that he didn’t take it.

This book was a sad book to read because Tim must of had a terrible experience with everything happening to him! I will blog more about this book when you finish it. I hope you enjoy the book and to see how you like it.


Caleb C, Woods Runner

Caleb C, Woods Runner


I finished Woods Runner but not sure if I really liked it that much. The writing is amazing, however the book didn’t seem like my type. I didn’t really like it because it seemed kind of slow. I wished it had more action to it when he was in the woods. Part of the reason why it didn’t have a lot of action because it was a really short book. How did you feel about the book?

My favorite character in the book was Abner. Abner is the man you would want to have with you if you were in the situation like Samuel was in. Who was your favorite character in the book? If you were Abner would you help Samuel like he did? I was thinking of how much a different story this book would have been if Samuel didn’t know how to hunt. He could of been killed by the Indians if he didn’t know how to hunt.

I am actually glad I read this book even though I didn’t really like it because it shows a young kid my age trying to survive in the woods and save his parents. There hasn’t been a book that I have read that the main character was my age. Samuel acted like what I would of acted like if I was in his situation. Can’t wait to here from you soon about the book.

From, Caleb