Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Katie Allen

Katie Allen – Stranger (Danger) Things

Katie Allen – Stranger (Danger) Things

Red Riding Hood is one of the most common fairytales out there which is great because there are a lot of lessons to come out of it. Like most fairytales for kids, it is easy to spot when there’s danger. I think that the biggest lesson that this story gives is that there are predators out there who will take advantage of you. Sometimes the ending isn’t a good one though and that’s why fairytales are just fairytales, they’re not real but they can bring up topics that are real.

The first lesson would be stranger danger. You should never give out personal information to a stranger, in every single story the girl tells the wolf exactly where her grandmother lives, leading her predator straight to the place of a person she trusts. The wolf disguising himself as her grandmother could be compared to creepy people on the internet who disguise as somebody else. I think Little Red Riding Hood taught me to always be cautious and aware of strangers.

This story also gives kids an example of what may happen if they don’t listen to their parents, obviously this is an exaggerated example but nonetheless gets the point across. A lesson that is usually taught to a child at a young age along with, not talking to strangers. The story shows that the girl got distracted and didn’t listen to her mother because she chose to pick flower or needles, depending on the version, instead of staying on the path like she was supposed to. Some might say that this also makes it seem like it was the victims fault that she got eaten which is victim blaming, something that is prevalent today when it comes to sexual assault.

I think that overall the Little Red Riding Hood stories always have a common theme lesson of being careful with strangers and always watching out for yourself, or being more aware. People get taken advantage of all the time and it’s always important to be safe.

Katie Allen – Intro and Thoughts

Katie Allen – Intro and Thoughts

Hi everyone! I’m Katie Allen and I am a transfer student. This is my first semester here at Chico State, although I’m a Chico local and both my parents went to Chico State which means I do know the area and the campus pretty well already! I am turning 20 this upcoming Friday and I work on campus as a student assistant! I am a Liberal Studies major and I am hoping to teach anywhere from 2nd to 8th grade but I really enjoy junior high kids the most.

From the time that I was able to read I was always known as “a reader.” From a young age I was a lover of books and was one of those weird kids that didn’t really socialize but preferred reading on a bench during recess. The one thing I was ever competitive about was AR (accelerated reading). I still read for fun over the summer or during breaks but not as much during the school year because, like most people, I get busy. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten pickier about the types of books a read and never have I read a non-fiction book for fun. Reading outside of school is usually something I want to do while reading that is assigned to me is something I don’t want to do and for the most part, the reading I do outside of school doesn’t connect with my school reading. When it comes to this class, the reading will be enjoyable for me because I find children’s books to be adorable! In the Williams article I really liked when he talked about what he tells his students about reading and how it’s not all about speed but about understanding the reading no matter how many times you have to read it!