Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: Elissa Zucchi

Blog Two, The Poem Is True

Blog Two, The Poem Is True

There once was a fish as large as can be

And stepmother and sister that wouldn’t set her free.

There once were miracle workers known as little doves

And a deceased mother whom her daughter loves.

There once was a creature that pooped gold coins

And a father who wants his daughter’s loins.

Now is the time to challenge your luck

If you determine the story unsaid I’ll give you a buck.

Hello, It’s Me (Elissa Zucchi, not Adele)

Hello, It’s Me (Elissa Zucchi, not Adele)

Blog 1:

  1. I am Elissa Zucchi, and am a Liberal Studies major/Child Development minor, from Livermore, California. My story is that I am working towards fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming a teacher. I have such a passion for working with children, and have been told many times that if I do not pursue becoming an elementary school teacher then it would be a shame, and my talents would go to waste. Because of this, I am so very excited for my future endeavors, and will do (almost) anything and everything to get there.
  2. To be considered a “reader,” I think someone must do more than just always having their nose in a book. A reader is someone who not only enjoys reading, and reads things of all different styles and whatnot, but someone that thinks deeply into the text and find the meaning of the material. Outside of school I rarely if ever take the time to read, but I wish I did. I have never considered myself a reader, and when I was younger I did not enjoy reading because I was a slow reader and I always felt like a loser in competition with other friends and classmates when it came to finishing books, or even comprehending them for that matter. When I do have the time, or when I go on vacation, I do like to read, and it is usually something that is an easy read. I am a sucker for RomCom movies, so any kind of read that is similar to that sense is something I dig and actually enjoy reading. The reading I do outside of school rarely connects with what I read in school. School drains the poop out of me when it comes to reading, so my personal reads, like I said before, are usually something easy so that I do not have to rack my brain any more than school has done to it. With that being said, the William’s article definitely spoke to me when it was stated, “If we can make clearer to students, as well as to ourselves, what we mean when we ask them to assume the identities of readers, we have taken the first step in demystifying what can for many students be a frustrating, intimidating, and unacknowledged obstacle in the classroom.” This is definitely something I am going to take away for my future teachings because as a younger student, and today, analyzing and comprehending what I am reading is something that I struggle with and am working at so that I am not so intimidated by it all. I also understand that is can sometimes be a confusing matter, and I do not want any of my future students to have to be left out of what is going on because I know what that feels like.