Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: kpelagio1421

Reading in the Wild

Reading in the Wild

Based upon the reading by Donalyn Miller, I felt the importance of building strong, life-long readers within the classroom to hopefully encourage them to continue reading in the future. I really like what Miller said about “readers who incorporate reading into their lives along with everything else that interests them. Some of my favorite parts about reading, is making connections with my reading outside of class. Some challenges that I feel with arise will be getting all of my students interested in reading, as well as having them continue to read outside of school. For myself as being someone who enjoys reading, when the reading is my choice I had a book log of how many hours I read and somedays that wasn’t enough to get me to read at home. The thing that excites me about teaching reading is getting the students to want to read. I really want them to feel confident in their reading, to help them become successful adults. It was surprising that developing life-long reading habits matters not only to the individual but to society in general. I never thought about reading this way, it is really eye opening. I fear that I won’t be able to dedicate as much time to reading in my classroom as I would like because of all the other curriculum that needs to be taught. It is my hope that students with have enough time in class as well as outside of class to read with many support systems put into place to encourage reading. I am curious to read more about Donalyn and Susie’s take on reading.

Woman on a Mission

Woman on a Mission

Hello everyone,

I am Kelsey Pelagio, I am a Junior at Chico State. I transferred here from Butte Community College where I received my Associate degree in Liberal Studies. My goal is to become an elementary school teacher. Some of my favorite things are music, friends, family, pets and children. I am originally from Chico born and raised. I look forward to getting to know all or most of you. Happy reading!

To me being a reader is someone who feels pleasure within reading and it doesn’t take them that long to understand or become engaged with the reading. I feel it is someone with a real passion for learning as well as reading. Some reading that I do outside of school is articles on Facebook, magazines, and also some pleasure reading with popular books that I find on Buzzfeed, if they interest me I find them, buy them and read them. The only way I read differently outside of school is I am more leisure about it and I tend to enjoy it more because I am choosing what to read. Sometimes my readings will connect from inside and outside of school, but not often. The reason behind it is the books or novels I am reading for pleasure don’t have a connect with special education, psychology or teacher education due to them just being stories and not theories or relevant information. Some take-aways I got out of the Williams article were to find connections with your students and what they read to find out what kind of reader they are. Also, to not judge them right away off what they are choosing to show you in how they read or genres they like to read.