Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Maeve Lawson

Maeve L: Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie

Maeve L: Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie

drums-1Hi Trevor, this is Maeve. I just finished Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick. It was such a great book. It had such a compelling beginning. I couldn’t believe Jeffery had cancer! The author did a great job describing Steven’s love and dedication to his little brother. Steven stayed the whole time in the hospital room with Jeffery when they had to do a whole battery of test on him. The author also excelled at showing how brave Jeffery was. I could not have anyone stick a needle in my chest! Anyway, I felt like I was right in the hospital room when Jeffery was having the needle stuck in his chest. I also like how the story was a reflection that had many little reflections in it. This book kind of reminded me of The Fault in our Stars from what I’ve heard (I haven’t read it yet) because of the whole cancer idea. Anyhow, I really enjoyed this book and I hope you do too!


Introduction to Trevor

Introduction to Trevor

Hi, my name is Maeve. I am really excited to be working with you. I love reading. My favorite genres are science fiction and historical fiction. I really like anything fiction. My favorite books are Divergent, Four, the Giver, Son, Eragon, When You Reach Me, Out of My Mind, Rules, and Elsewhere. Besides books, I am really into sports. I do traveling soccer, swim team, and basketball. I am really excited to do this project!
