Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Jackson Schreder

JacksonS, Butter

JacksonS, Butter

This week I finished Butter some of my thoughts so far are that must be hard for Butter because of his weight. And it probably made Butter sad that Trent and Parker where only being his friends so that they could get information to help them win a bet.

Also while I was reading the book I wondered why no one told one of their teachers or parents about Butter’s plot to eat him self to death. But I was feeling better when someone called 911 when they saw that Butter was going though with it at the end of the book.

And I thought it was weird at first that the author never had Butters real name in the book until the last page book the book. But now looking back at Butter it starts to make more sense on why the author left of his name until the end.

Jackson S, Fault in Our Stars

Jackson S, Fault in Our Stars

Hey Megan,


So far I have read 121 pages in the book Fault In Our Stars. I think that part of the reason I picked this book was because I knew that it had to do with cancer so it made it more meaningful because when I was younger one of my cousins got cancer at a very young age.


Thoughts in the first few pages of the book were that it must be hard to live with cancer and thing that you would have to do differently in your life than what you did before cancer. Also I was thinking of what sports you would have to give up if you got cancer.


Another thing that I was thinking about was what would have I done if I was Hazel and had just been asked if I wanted to go to Amsterdam what must have been going through her head about the idea of going to meet her favorite author in Amsterdam? How far have you got in Fault In Our Stars? Have you read any other books like this? Anyway this is what I am thinking about so far in this book.




Introduction to Megan

Introduction to Megan

Megan I am excited to read the three books for this reading project. My favorite sport is lacrosse I also enjoy playing basketball. I chose these book because of good reviews by friends and teachers.