Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: lytavue

Blog #4

Blog #4

My favorit story was “The Voice.” I liked that story because she was willing to give u her whole ife for a man she didn’t even know; her family, her lifestyle and her voice. After she gave her voice away and headed off to find her prince, and he wasn’t what she expected,she thought to herself wow, he’s never going to marry me. So she head back home and asked for her voice back. Eventually she got it back. I have to go now because you are making me stop. Oh and I was also late……

Lyta Vue Blog #3

Lyta Vue Blog #3

Snow White:


In the original Snow White fairytale story of the Brothers Grimm; the plots followed the same. Snow White was hated by her stepmother who wanted to be the fairest of all; then she planned for Snow White’s death. Some aspects in the story that were not familiar to me were the huntsman taking liver and lungs to the stepmother and her eating it. I thought that was kind of weird and I was surprised when I heard it. I literally had to go back and say, “What?” Then I re-read that part again and was like “Wow”. You would think it’ll be the heart because the heart is what pumps and keeps everything in the human body functioning; but then again the Brothers Grimm’s version was the original. Later when the step mother heard that Snow White didn’t die and she went to look for Snow White; I wasn’t expecting her to attempt killing Snow White three times; with the silky scarf, the comb, and then the apple which I am familiar with from the Disney version only. When the witch (stepmother) cut the apple in half and pretended she was going to eat half if Snow White ate half; that was something I didn’t see coming. I thought that was a good trick she pulled on Snow white knowing the first two times didn’t work. Later, when she was found on the ground by the dwarfs for the third time and the realize that that was the end for her, they taking her to put in the coffin and up in the mountains where animals visited her; that I remembered in the Disney story; but not the owl, raven and dove. Then when the prince came and fell in love by looking at her and asking to take her and her would do anything to take care of her; that was different aspect of the story I am used to. When I got to the end and read that the stepmother was invited to the wedding; I was like, “oh, ok.” What got me the most was the iron shoes; I thought that was awkward but funny at the same time. It was really weird that they ended the story with an iron shoes caused her death by dancing all night.


The themes between the two, Brothers Grimm and Disney were very close at details and description. I noticed its base on a castle, a king, queen, and a beautiful daughter as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. Along with a stepmother who was jealous of the stepdaughter; who used a talking mirror to tell her everyday she was the fairest of all. I see this theme as jealousy of beauty. Not being able to stay young and be the most fairest of all was what she knew she’d loose if Snow White continues to live.

Lyta Vue Blog #2

Lyta Vue Blog #2


Mary, Mary, got no ring

Mary, Mary, got no bling

As beautiful as she

As desperate as he

He who wants her was so furious

She was young and was so curious


Mary, Mary, got no game

Mary, Mary, got no shame

On this day

She stands upon his gateway

For she snoop all his gallery

For how much of his salary


Mary, Mary, scared to death

Mary, Mary, catching her breath

Now sitting with a hand and a diamond ring

Alone with little old lady she wished it a dream


Mary, Mary, should’a brought some peas

For she shouldn’t use the keys

Mary, Mary, should’a brought some lentils

For she shouldn’t be so mindless and gentle


Mary, Mary, down the chamber

With bloods she did not want to remember

There she turn, chopped up girl

There she turn, words she hurl

Oh sister, sister please help me

Send for my brothers to set me free


Lyta Vue Blog #1

Lyta Vue Blog #1

A.  Introduction:

Hi, my name is Lyta Vue. This blogging thing is very new to me and I’m about to pull my hair out. I think I’ve been trying to blog for over an hour now. I am a transfer student from Butte College. I think I’m considered a junior. I’m majoring in Liberal Studies and focusing on the Bilingual; and hoping to one day teach 2nd through 4th grade utilizing my knowledge and skills to help and encourage Hmong students in higher education. If I graduate, I will be first generation in my family to graduate and go to college. I’m very excited but scared at the same time; but thanks to great teachers, I know I will be okay.

B.  Why Johnny can never, ever read:

From my perspective, to be a reader is to be taken away by what you read; to understand, to comprehend, to enjoy it. You have to be able to summarize or have some sort of memorization of what you read; and be able to share your thoughts and feelings if you were to be asked to tell what you took from the reading (a book, poem, or short story).


I personally don’t read outside of school. I dislike reading; for some reason, as soon as I open a book, I fall asleep. All my life, I just can’t read; I mean I can read, but I get nothing out of reading it. However, sometimes I can and is interested in books on my culture, religion, and my people. Sometimes I like to read short stories on romance, tragic, inspirational, and/or funny ones. I guess my problem is complex reading; I have a hard time comprehending them. My outside readings do not connect with my school reading at all because I rarely read unless I have to, have to.


Some claims Williams make in his article that is a take- away for me is when he said that young people going to middle and high school that lacks the broad literacy skills to comprehend and learn advance academic subject will suffer. He’s saying that they would suffer serious social, emotional, and economic consequences. I feel like the further we enter into the future, the more our future children will lack. We don’t teach how we use to anymore. There something about the school system’s teaching way that is not working. Maybe it’s the high technologies; maybe because we are not forced to read and write like we used to. The other thing Williams mention is about how some people might be pointing at the Standardized testing/scores; that they don’t realize that it maybe because of the way it is constructed and given to students. I think I am one of those people; I truly believe Standardized testing is constructed in such difficult way in limiting to students. Not everyone’s brain function the same.