Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: kellibrennecke

Blog Post 3: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Blog Post 3: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Series Reading

Tell us about your series. What do you like or dislike? Who would like this series? What resources are available related to this series. How could you use it in a classroom?

My series book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. So far I am loving this book! I read half of the book in one sitting, that’s how entertaining it is. I think this series would be great for any young boy or girl in late elementary/middle school to read. The main character is a boy in middle school who clearly defines all the problems in his life in hysterical ways. I think young boys would relate to this book and therefore love to read more of it. I also love how this book is almost in comic book format. He draws pictures almost on every page to show what he is talking about, and they are very captivating. In a classroom, I would love to start a book club with this book and have the students share their experiences with it.

Blog Post 2

Blog Post 2

What are your take-away ideas from the Miller text so far? What ideas are resonating? What seems challenging? What are you most excited about in terms of teaching reading? Most afraid of?


I really enjoy the Miller text so far. I enjoy reading when you can really hear the author’s voice through their writing. Miller did a great job at immediately grasping my attention. Miller points out that today a lot of students claim they don’t have time to read. A good strategy is to always have a book on you at all times. Therefore, when you are waiting for the doctor instead of pulling out your phone to aimlessly browse, you could read!

When I’m a teacher I think the hardest part will be getting the students excited about reading. That’s why I want to try to familiarize myself with a lot of children’s books so I know which ones to recommend to certain students. I believe that in order to get students excited about something, the teacher needs to be excited about it as well.

Cinderelli Cinderelli hi guys my name is Kelli

Cinderelli Cinderelli hi guys my name is Kelli

1) My story:

Hi there! My name’s Kelli Brennecke and I am sad/happy to say this is my 4th and final year here in Chico. I’m excited to become an Elementary school teacher, preferably 2-4th grade. Once I graduate I’m hoping to hop on over to the Hawaiian islands and earn my Teaching Credentials and Masters. I’ve moved 9 times in my life, however I predominantly grew up in Southern California. Along with teaching, my other passion is performing. I attended a Performing Arts High School for singing, acting, dancing, and modeling. I am an avid reader and enjoy spending time outdoors. Fun fact: I read 19 novels over the summer :O


2) Riddle Me This :

I have no family

No place to belong

with people around me,

That only wish me wrong

Yet even though they are so crass,

The only thing that matters now is a small piece of glass

