Videos for Teaching Inspiration

Reading together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. You can find Perusall in the left-hand navigation in Canvas.

Designing Together

I look forward to designing educational spaces and activities together.

Weeks 1 & 2

Weeks 1 & 2

decorativeFirst meeting: Monday, Jan 25, 5:30-6:45. I’ll send Zoom link to your Wildcat email.

Class introductions. We’ll look at book selections and talk about how we want to organize ourselves into working groups. We’ll get started on introductions in Currents (we’ll write during class together). We will create norms for break outs and think about how to work together most productively this semester.

Order book:

  • Mary’s Monster: Nikki, Tiffany, Joe, Lily, Shant
  • Pride: Erin, Alma, Emory
  • Fire: Miguel, Orion, Lukas 
  • Inside Out: Jacob N, Mary, Anna, Savannah
  • I am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter: Rosario, Elle, Casey, Sofia, Alondra
  • Aristotle & Dante: Tabitha, Elliott, Brianna, Nick, Jacob H, Jennifer

Week 1 (Jan 25 & 27): Reading Support focus

Things to do in a nutshell (Remember: check out the Getting Started page for instructions to join the platforms listed below)

  • Bookmark Course site: Check out our course website and bookmark the site (read the syllabus and look over assignments) (approx time: 30 seconds to bookmark site; 15 minutes to look over website)
  • Join Perusall (<5 minutes)
  • Join Currents Community (and set your notifications to off so you don’t get an email every time someone posts) (<5 minutes)
  • Once you know which book you want: take survey

By Jan 27: Finish Introduction post:

We’ll set aside some time to get this started during our first class session, so no worries about starting this before our class time. But if needed, you can finish up before Wednesday night (Jan 27).

Feel free to upload a video where you introduce yourself and talk through the ideas below instead of writing:

  • Write an introduction: who are you? why are you here? how are you doing in the now times? what are your interests? what are you watching, reading, listening to? Who are you as an educator? What matters to you about education? No need to answer all of this; just a way to get to know each other.
  • Would love it if you would add a picture! Could be of your favorite place, a pet, you… whatever you’re comfortable with. Thank you!

Post in Currents Community under the “Introductions” category (instructions for joining Currents on the Getting Started Page)

Wednesday’s class session (Jan 27): Listen to Nice White Parents before class Wednesday.  I’d like to have a conversation about the educational world you’re stepping into. Why English? We’ll also talk about support for choosing books and the major assignment for the semester: the Integrated Unit Project

Week 2 (Feb 1 & 3): Reading support focus

Before class Monday, Feb 1: Read and annotate in Perusall: “Why Johnny Can Never Ever Read…”. We’ll discuss together.

Feb 3: Reading and annotating together in Wednesday’s class.

*Head’s up for Feb 10: would be cool if you’re able to join the webinar with Drs. Baker-Bell, Trechter, and Enríquez-Loya. They will be discussing the importance of anti-racist language instruction. Takes place right before our class session: 4:00-5:00.

Wednesday, February 10, 4:00-5:00: Linguistic Diversity Panel Discussion.

Zoom Webinar Registration: (opens in new window)

Featuring Dr. April Baker-Bell (Professor, Departments of African American and African Studies and English at Michigan State University), author of Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy (2020), in conversation with Chico State’s Dr. Sara Trechter (Interim Assoc Vice President of International Education and Global Engagement and Professor of English) who studies the Lakhota, as well as language revitalization with the Nu’eta, and Dr. Aydé Enríquez-Loya (Associate Professor of English), who studies cultural rhetorics and femicides of Mexican/Mestiza women on the US/Mexican border.  Facilitated by Dr. Kim Jaxon (Professor of English).

Co-sponsored by the Northern California Writing Project