Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here



Here is some information about your internship options for this semester (you’ll work 2 hours per week as the fourth unit of English 431). See below for descriptions of English 130P (the jumbo), the ESL Resource Center, and English 30.

Interning in English 130P: aka the “jumbo”

What is English 130P?

  • English 130P is a large first-year writing course that we designed to take advantage of what a large group of students affords. In other words, it is not a scaled-up version of the regular course, but a class that was designed with the size in mind. The course provides professional development opportunities for paid writing mentors, mainly future teachers, who work with the instructor to lesson plan and respond to student writing.
  • For the past few years, the jumbo 130P is offered for students in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at Chico State. These students are first-generation and many are heritage speakers. We work with these students for three weeks in the summer (during Summer Bridge) and continue this relationship in the spring.
  • Here’s a talk I gave on large course design that may help you to understand the structure:
  • Many more resources that explain the jumbo HERE.

What is expected of a mentor in the jumbo course?

  • Jumbo mentors intern in the workshop portion of the large class. The workshops meet for 2 hours per week and they are run by a paid writing mentor (a graduate of our English 431 course). As an intern, you will shadow a mentor in the workshop and support ten freshmen; you all work together to support the work students are doing in English 130P.
  • You will start attending the workshops in week two of the semester. Again, you will not lead the workshop, but work as a participant in the space.

Why should I choose to intern in 130P?

  • 130P gives you an opportunity to be reflective and observant about how students respond to writing in academic settings. Since you are not running the workshops, this gives you the chance to be a participant-observer and really reflect on what’s working and what is problematic.
  • With a range of heritage speakers, you have a chance to consider second language acquisition.
  • We have a professional, amazing mentor team to work with.

Questions? Please contact Kim Jaxon: kjaxon@csuchico.edu

Interning in the ESL Resource Center

What is the ESL Resource Center?

  • The ESL Resource Center is a free tutoring service available for CSU, Chico students who are non-native speakers of English. Tutors at the Center provide students with assistance in all areas of language, including writing, grammar, pronunciation, oral presentation preparation, and conversation practice.
  • The ESL Resource Center is located in ARTS #206A. Tutoring begins on Monday, February 6th, and the operating hours are Mondays – Fridays from 10:00 – 4:00.

What is expected of an ESL Center intern?

  • ESL Center interns should have some coursework in English grammar and linguistics. Ideally, students should have already completed ENGL 371 “Principles of Language” and either ENGL 472 “Pedagogical Grammar” or ENGL 375 “English Grammar.”
  • ESL Center interns will be expected to attend the following two training sessions:
    • Training Session #1: Held on Friday, Jan. 27th from 2:00 – 4:00 in ARTS 206A
    • Training Session #2: Held on Friday, Feb. 3rd from 2:00 – 4:00 in ARTS 206A
  • Starting the 3rd week of the semester, ESL Center interns will be expected to work two hours a week in the Center (exact schedules to be determined). Initially, interns will be shadowing the mentor tutors; however, by the end of the semester, ESL Center interns will be tutoring independently.

Why should I choose to intern in the ESL Center?

  • The ESL Center is an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in careers working with non-native speakers of English. In particular, anyone pursuing a TESOL Certificate should strongly consider this internship opportunity.
  • The ESL Center is also a fun place to work! We have an excellent staff of students who share interests in language, culture, and travel (and occasionally like to “geek-out” on grammar).

Questions? Please contact Saundra Wright: skwright@csuchico.edu

Interning in English 30

What is English 30?

  • English 30 is a large workshop for students who may need additional support in English 130 (first year composition). The purpose is to support students with academic writing tasks in the university, particularly English 130.
  • Students enrolled in English 30 in spring 2017 will be asked to complete an ePortfolio–a digital space that highlights their writing–in the first five weeks of the class. After five weeks, students will be invited to come for one-on-one support in the digital studio on the 2nd floor of the new ARTS building (ARTS 227).

What is expected of a mentor in English 30?

  • Mentors will need to be available Mondays from 12:00-1:50 for the first five weeks of the semester since this is when the large workshop meets (in THMA 116). Again, students will be developing their ePortfolios with mentor support during this time. You will start attending week two of the semester.
  • After five weeks, mentors will choose two hours to work in the digital studio, supporting student writers with a variety of writing assignments (including digital and multimodal texts). You can choose 2 hours that work with your schedule.

Why should I choose to intern in English 30?

  • English 30 mentors will have an opportunity to hone their digital practices. Some students will be creating films, websites, presentations, and many other multimodal texts: mentors will support students in these digital literacies.
  • Mentors do not need to be experts in digital platforms or tools: they just need to be willing to learn and try new practices.
  • Mentors will have a chance to experience group mentoring and one-on-one mentoring over the course of the semester.

Questions? Please contact Chris Fosen: cfosen@csuchico.edu