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Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here




Wow. Multimodality is so important for future instruction and providing an important illustration on how that method of instruction assists students with their work. Specifically, providing different aims by incorporating visual, sonic, and aesthetics helps students to have multiple examples on how to compose, perform, and learn a task or assignment.

I am currently taking Biology 323 (Biology of Sex) and the course provides a different objective compared to typical biological courses: incorporating Multimodality. In the beginning of the semester, students were drilled with various examples on how to learn the process of meiosis. Students were instructed by the professor’s sonic instruction (Audio), PowerPoint slides (Visual), and demonstrating videos to provide a clearer method to understand the material. However, the professor stepped up her game and incorporated something new, a new method I have never experienced in college: Kinesthetic, and working physically with various colors of clay.

This video here illustrates the various colors we used to re-create the process of meiosis. This video is in Claymation, however, every single student enacted the same process in the classroom. Learning this extensive process assisted me tremendously as a students and I asked the professor where did she learned this method of instruction. Her response, “I used to teach elementary school and realized the effectiveness by including physical touch with course work.”

Overall, this example of multimodality helped me to really think how I want to create a lesson plan for the final project. I have Ideas to include various colors of clay and composing words with the clay. Sorry that I am missing class today and will be there on Wednesday.



Ruben Mendoza

One Reply to “Multi-Modality”

  1. Hey Ruben,
    I’m bummed to read that you won’t be attending class :( but it’s okay.
    I really enjoyed reading your experience that has influenced your next project. I also had an experience with clay in one of my science classes! It is honestly very helpful and I can see why you want to incorporate it. It’s a good idea because I’m excited to see how you will be incorporating it.
    Well, I hope you have a good day and I’ll see you Wednesday.

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