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Basic as hell paragraph format

Basic as hell paragraph format

After reading and discussing Wiley’s article in class, I couldn’t help to agree more that the 5 paragraph essay format is a basic and uncreative way to write.  Im not saying the standard paragraph format isn’t useful in fact it’s a great example on how to help students how to write in the early stages of writing but thats where it ends. The format is a “stepping stone” because it helps students understand the basic elements of writing. I know personally from my experience, that was the way i was taught how to write up until I took ap English my senior year of high school. It was definitely any eye opener for me because it writing enjoyable for me. When I’m able to add my personal voice or opinion in my papers, I get a huge satisfaction.  For that reason, I get bored when asked to write papers with out my perspective because most of the time its already been said before.

One Reply to “Basic as hell paragraph format”

  1. Hey Eric, I totally agree with you on this damnation of an essay, and also how it can be used as stepping stones. I say that they get rid of this in high school. It doesn’t get students everywhere and I had an AP English Comp teacher who was sooooo against it, all the stuff she said was great.

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