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My theory of writing is…

My theory of writing is…

I am not quite sure if I will be heading the right direction with this post but we will see.

For starters, I would say that a term that influences my theory of writing is audience. I noticed a connection with my theory of writing to this week’s writing, regarding audience. Throughout the reading I was very engaged when they would mention the impact and influence an audience has on a writer. For example, one quote that I really enjoyed was the following, ” Writers are always doing the rhetorical work of addressing the needs and interests of a particular audience, even if its unconsciously”(Roozen 15).

However, one question I have for this audience is, what would be considered a situation in where the writer would do it unconsciously?

I often catch myself always thinking about the audience I am addressing when I am writing From quick emails to my professors to texting a friend that wants to meet up to study.

I did think abour my audience before, but I feel like it has been more of an impact now then it has been before.


2 Replies to “My theory of writing is…”

  1. Hey Gaby!
    I agree that audience is a huge factor that is involved with writing! I am always thinking about my audience and how my writing should be specifically written or aimed to have a major impact. This article mentions that the skill of writing is complex and how its not a basic skill, but a subject to be studied. The quote that you included in your blog fits perfectly with the idea that we as writers, are using rhetorical strategies, which helps influence and present our writing more effective.. I think you are heading towards the right direction and enjoyed reading your blog! See you Monday!

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