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Rhetorical Approaches to Writng

Rhetorical Approaches to Writng

I do not know if I have a specific theory on writing, and reading articles on writing proves that composition is complex. Recently, in my life I have noticed that I have become analytical when writing emails, text messages, and assignments. Specifically, I have noticed that I instantaneously and naturally know how to write rhetorically when addressing a specific person, and how communicate with them through text. For instance, I have noticed that I naturally think about the rhetorical situation before composing a piece of written work.

  • I think about my audience. (Who am I addressing, how should I address them, and will this seem formal, casual, or appropriate?)
  • How am I addressing the issue (through verbal communication, in written context or public speech?)
  • What is the exigence? (What am I communicating to my target audience specifically? (What do they know or don’t know this far? What issue or problem am I addressing?)

Observing my literary practices this past week helped me understand that I use the rhetorical situation in everything I create. In the chapter “Metaconcept: Writing is an Activity and a Subject of Study,” Wardle and Adler, communicates “Understanding the rhetorical work of writing is essential if writers are to make informed, productive decisions about which genres to employ, which languages to act with, which text to reference, and so on” (19). The article solidifies the importance of rhetoric and how the continuous use of rhetorical situations will enhance a students writing. Using rhetorical methods, actually enhances my life and creates awareness on how to compose argument or simple emails.

Kassandra mentioned that she liked that the article stated, “the idea that writing is not only an activity in which people engage but also a subject of study” (15) helped me understand the importance of studying composition. I absolutely agree and believe that writing is more that an activity or skill. The acquisition of writing is difficult to frame as a “basic skill” and places a negative cogitation on the subject of writing. This is important to think about and cannot wait to finish the article this weekend.

2 Replies to “Rhetorical Approaches to Writng”

  1. Thank you for highlighting the rhetorical moves here. And I think we could take this idea up in class: “The acquisition of writing is difficult to frame as a ‘basic skill’ and places a negative cogitation on the subject of writing.” This sentence of yours could be fun to unpack. Is writing acquired? Why is naming it as a basic skill problematic? You give us a lot to think about… thank you!

  2. Hey Ruben!
    I enjoyed reading your post! I can totally relate with how naturally it is to write rhetorically while addressing a specific person. I really liked the first quote you mentioned. It really does make a difference in a form of writing when using rhetorical methods. I also agree, that writing is more than just for fun or an activity.
    See you Monday!


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