Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Multimodal Project

Multimodal Project

When talking about our multimodal project in class, I was struck with the idea of combining both the initial presentation as well as the thought process write up that relates to the project. By approaching the project in a manner that emulates a “stream of consciousness,” I hope to give insight into not only the topic at hand, but how I reacted to reading articles, hearing discussions, and where my state of mind is at the end of this semester’s class. After writing the sentence “I have no idea what medium I will present this project through,” I deleted it upon realizing that creating a website would be a great idea. My main page will have general take away from the class and there will be links pertaining to different ideas and theories. In these idea and theory tabs I will have other links that give insight on my first reactions to being presented these ideas, how my previous history in life and school relate to the subject, and how I feel now after having discussed/argued ideas within Eng 431. I plan on using the same website as last semester’s literacy class used in our Hip-Hop Literacy presentation.

The website will help to organize ideas well and leave the reader less overwhelmed than if they were to see an entire essay of text that was all of the ideas I had on the subject of Composition Theory.

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