Why a good book is a secret door

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Reading for life!

Reading for life!

My take away from the book so far is that we are teaching kids to read, but not teaching them to read for life and love reading. Donalyn Miller makes a great point that teacher’s care about students reading now, but not so much in the future, I thought that was really insightful. I also had no idea that being a reader made you more successful in so many ways. Having a system for kids to become life long readers, because I am not is resonating and exciting for me. I really wish I had a teacher that took an interest in me becoming a life long reader so reading wouldn’t be so hard for me, as it is today. The challenge for me, is designating 1/3 of your class time to reading. This seems challenging for me because there are so many requirements you have to meet already; it just doesn’t seem realistic to have that much time to go towards reading. Lastly, something I am afraid of is that I could put in my best effort to make this work, but it is a two-part system and at the end of the day you can’t make a student do something they don’t want to. Overall I am looking forward to reading this book and have it help me grow as a future teacher.

One Reply to “Reading for life!”

  1. I’m in the same boat as you on not really being a big reader! I also sorry about it being a two part system, but all you can do is try your best!

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