Why a good book is a secret door

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Reading in the Wild

Reading in the Wild

After reading the first chapter of Miller’s book “Reading in the Wild”, I learned that it is very important to be organized and track the progress in the students’ reading over time. Holding each student accountable to his/her own reading by using class records or charts is a great way of doing this, as demonstrated in the book. This way, we can see how the student develops over the school year.

I think one of the main themes throughout this chapter was that teachers need to create time for the students to develop a love for literature and for them to be able to read alone. If we can do this, and allow the students to choose their own reading material, they will become more involved in the books and be able to comprehend their readings more fluently.

When the students can actually comprehend what they are reading and delve into the plot and characters of the book they are reading, that is when they can begin to appreciate the true meaning of literature. That is the part that I am most excited for as a teacher. I cannot wait to be able to see my students reading on their own time and finding a love for books when they get the chance to understand them. The only thing I am worried about is that some students won’t develop the same love for reading as other students because I know learning and interests are different for each person.

One Reply to “Reading in the Wild”

  1. I totally agree that it is important to be organized! An unorganized teachers makes for an unorganized class and that is no good. It will be great for each student to take ownership on where they are in their book and this could make them even more excited to finish it if they see a student is a little ahead of them. I was also very excited to watch my students love for reading grow in my classroom! I can tell you really took away some great information from her first chapter as did I! Hope you have a great weekend :)

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