Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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I’m Sara!

I’m Sara!

Hello! My name is Sara Tengelsen and this class already seems to be one of my favorite classes since beginning at Chico State (which is awesome.) I am from Southern California and spent most of my child and teen years playing soccer, drawing and painting, volunteering in my community and being a part of leadership. I want to become a teacher because of the wonderful and dedicated teachers I had, especially in high school. This year, I started working as a RA, which has me thinking about going to graduate school for some kind of counseling.

I think being a “reader” means just that you want to read, no matter what subject that may be. Outside of school I read mostly articles that I find online or books that are written on a subject I want to learn more about. My father reads the newspaper every morning, and if he finds an article that he thinks I would like, he sends me a digital copy. I do think I read differently outside of school, but it is much more similar to the way I read outside of school now, rather than the way I read outside of school in high school. In high school, you are told what classes to take and have almost no say in what you’re learning, whereas in college, you can choose a major based on what you are interested in, making the motivation to read for classes that much more appealing. I like reading the books about child development and education because I am passionate about teaching. However, I would like to point out that I am not saying I have loved reading every book assigned in college thus far. The William’s article really struck me in that it is very much so a stereotype to be a “reader.” The general judgement and lack of acceptance that occurs in high school is also why I am so attracted to becoming an advocate and role model to high schoolers. This class already has me excited for my future in teaching, I cannot wait!

One Reply to “I’m Sara!”

  1. Hey! I like this class because it is my most enjoyable one this semester. I played soccer from seventh grade through junior year of high school along with other sports and I also draw/sketch/paint, but not very much anymore since I have such a busy schedule. In high school though I loved art class and I enjoyed all the community service more than the other classes I was taking, I even got awards for all the community service, but those weren’t a big deal to me because I think the reward was helping out honestly (not to sound cheesy or anything!)

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