Why a good book is a secret door

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Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie. Finished!

Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie. Finished!

Hi Jaurele,

I finished Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie and it was such a great book! I wish I could just sum up the whole book, but I would give everything away. It was exactly what I thought it would be and more. It was written so well and it was an overall great book. Every time I stopped reading this book it left me hanging, laughing or crying.


This book was a great mix of emotions, and feelings. I loved how it showed a real situation, and brotherhood. Steven was so nice to Jeff and he always stuck up for him. Even though this book was one of my all time favorites, I really hated it at the same time. The ending (not going to tell you what happened) was so sad but It had a huge BANG! and it was such a shock. Just kidding, I think most people suspected the kiss. But I was so happy it happened. I’m so happy I read this book, and I think im reading Eleanor and Park next and I’m so excited for that!


One Reply to “Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie. Finished!”

  1. Hi Avery!

    I really liked this book, too. I must admit I was a little bummed when I realized I was reading another book about a young person with cancer (The Fault in Our Stars took a lot out of me even though I loved it.). However, I felt like I could totally relate to Steven and it ended just the way I’d hoped (with Jeffy in remission and Steven and Annette together). I was very bummed that Steven didn’t get to perform his bongo set at the big concert but I was proud of him for making the right decision to be there for his brother when it counted. Steven grew up a lot throughout the novel and it seems like his whole family grew stronger, too. I love when people are able to not only persevere, but make something positive out of a tragedy or bad situation.

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