Why a good book is a secret door

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Drew S, Butter

Drew S, Butter

Hi Leslie,

This book really knows how to put my stomach in a knot. I love this book so far. Even with the occasional paragraphs of disgusting eating habits.

I don’t think I have every read a book with such an interesting and some what weird plot. In it’s own way it touches serious topics. Such as peer pressure, bullying, and obesity. I’ve found myself very angry at Butter at multiple parts in this book. Mainly him giving into the attention he is getting for his website. I can understand how easy it would be for Butter to get sucked into it though. Being 432 pounds in high school is not a cake walk. Always being stared at. Being an oddball. I guess Butter just wants to fit in. Even for the wrong reasons. I have also been seeing the connection of Butter and Anna. They both are going through the same issues just on different sides of the popularity scale.

My favorite character so far is the Professor. Not only does he bring humor into the book, but he also is constantly being a father figure for Butter. He is always trying to guide him down the right path and do what’s best for Butter. Butter needs this support considering his father neglecting him and being “friends” with Patrick and Henry who are very bad influences.

Hope to discuss the book soon.

Drew S




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