Why a good book is a secret door

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It’s in the Stars

It’s in the Stars

Part of what I enjoyed most about Hello Universe was the character Kaori’s interest and belief in her psychic ability. It really seems like she’s just grasping at straws most of the time, but she does turn out to be right about a few things. She doesn’t believe in coincidences, it must be fate. She refers to astrology in the story and finds all of their astrological signs important in knowing about their character. So I looked up the constellations for Kaori, Virgil, and Valencia’s signs and drew them all together for Make 3.

I started with characterizations associated with each astrological sign. They fall in line with their actual characters for the most part! I then wrote the sequences of events that they each took place in that led to Virgil’s search and rescue and their eventual joining as friends. I’m not entirely happy with the outcome of this make. I think there could’ve been an easier and more simple way to do it. But I think it looks pretty good and I enjoyed looking up and drawing the constellations at least!

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