Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: tstaas

Graphic Novels are more than good….. they’re GREAT

Graphic Novels are more than good….. they’re GREAT

Reading a graphic novel was different than any other reading we have done in class, because there is pictures to go with the words you are reading. It helps solidify the story the author is trying to convey to the reader. This was the first time I have had experience with graphic novels and wish they were more readily available to me in the past. I hated reading and would avoid it at all cost growing up. I feel that if I had been introduced to graphic novels I might have enjoyed reading a little more. I also enjoyed the pictures, because I didn’t have to question what was going on. If I didn’t understand the words, I had pictures; if I didn’t understand the pictures I had words. This graphic novel changed how I read, because I found myself over looking the page before I actually read it to get a good idea what was going on. I would use the graphic novel “Smile” for middles school girls transferring to high school, going through puberty, and having issues with friends. I would use a variety of other graphic novels in a classroom for kids who don’t take to reading and prefer a visual to understand the book on another leave. I loved reading this graphic novel and look forward to using them in my classroom in the future.


Poem book

Poem book


When I first started “ Inside Out & Back Again” I was a little confused. It took me off guard that a story was written in a poem. Shortly after, I realized I really liked this format. Like I have mentioned before, I hate reading. This format was awesome, because I got to read the minimal amount, but still understand what was going on. There was only two or three poems I had a hard time understanding, but after a couple times reading I understood. It was also nice that the poems were short because if I didn’t understand them I wouldn’t mind re reading them as many times as I needed to understand versus reading a long chapter book I would keep going because it was too long to re read.

I personally would use this book in a classroom to show kids that poems don’t have to rhyme. I could also use this book to show that not all poems need to be structured to stand-alone. In the book, “Inside Out and Back Again” the poems are each there own, but play off each other to make sense of what’s going on.


So much depends upon

Everything you do

Of every hour,


Second of the day


Afraid to fail.

Afraid to let down.

Afraid to be alone.


So watch

Everything you do

Of every hour,


Second of the day.

Wild Readers in the Making~ say what?!

Wild Readers in the Making~ say what?!

Donalyn Miller continues to open my eyes to different ways to make wild readers. Approaches I would have never thought of on my own. I love all her different approaches, because what may work for one kid may not work for another.

Looking back on my years in elementary school I did not read much and to this day I still don’t. The only series I have ever finished was Junie B Jones in third grade. I remember being so hooked to the books, I would try and rent the audiotape so I could finish the book faster. I was such a slow and terrible reader. To this day I really have not read much and rarely make it to page 50 in a book. It disappoints me that I woln’t allow myself to have the joy I once had reading Junie B Jones. I know it’s because I really don’t allow myself to read. I get so frustrated with myself that I don’t understand what I’m reading or that it takes me hours to finish one chapter that I avoid disappointment by avoiding reading at all cost.

I am excited that reading kids book is a requirement for the class. Sitting and reading “ The Land of Stories” is giving me the same exciting feeling I had when I would read Junie B. Jones books. I can’t wait to read again and figure out more about what happened. I can relate this to me watching The Bachelor. At the end of each episode I am disappointed I have to wait a whole week for the next episode and so excited comes Monday night at 8! Such a tease.

Going back to miller and her different approaches for different kids. Like I said I would avoid reading at all cost. I would get books and lie to my teachers about actually reading the book because I had to read. I would bull shit the AR test. I wish when I was a kid there would have been more opportunities and encouragement of reading. I personally LOVE being read to and to this day still ask my grandma to read to me. I love having the ability to listen and fallow along. Having someone read to me made the text more clear, because I wasn’t reading words wrong, and I could engage in conversation when I was confused or found something interesting. This is also why I enjoy audiobooks.

I love the idea of quit reading because being ADHD makes it hard to concentrate with noise. It was never quiet enough for me in class growing up to concentrate so I would fake read like chapter 1 said. It was also nice on Monday being able to quiet read because life gets so crazy sometimes it’s hard to fit in reading especially when you have readings in every class.

I am not sure if allowing children to choose their books would help much with children wanting to read, because growing up I had the option of the books I read and still avoided reading for the reasons I have already listed. However, I think it’s all about making kids excited to read. Like how the teacher did a book drawing, I could see myself getting more excited about reading if my name was drawn.

Overall I am loving this class, getting the opportunity to read Miller’s book, and find my inner excited third grade girl reading the “The Land of Stories.” I look forward to learning more about helping kids become “wild readers.”


Reading for life!

Reading for life!

My take away from the book so far is that we are teaching kids to read, but not teaching them to read for life and love reading. Donalyn Miller makes a great point that teacher’s care about students reading now, but not so much in the future, I thought that was really insightful. I also had no idea that being a reader made you more successful in so many ways. Having a system for kids to become life long readers, because I am not is resonating and exciting for me. I really wish I had a teacher that took an interest in me becoming a life long reader so reading wouldn’t be so hard for me, as it is today. The challenge for me, is designating 1/3 of your class time to reading. This seems challenging for me because there are so many requirements you have to meet already; it just doesn’t seem realistic to have that much time to go towards reading. Lastly, something I am afraid of is that I could put in my best effort to make this work, but it is a two-part system and at the end of the day you can’t make a student do something they don’t want to. Overall I am looking forward to reading this book and have it help me grow as a future teacher.