Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Hayat White

Hayat W MSS

Hayat W MSS

Hello people

Mango shaped space was very very interesting because the book starts out with a classroom setting and then it goes to her and a friend talking about a girl falling down stares and gets away from the fact of the colors. It feels like the book is getting away from the main idea and I am not even getting what the story is anymore ad what the book is. I was wondering about the book and if you guys could help me and what is happening through pages 1-50?What do you think about the book right now?

Hayat W Mango Shaped Space

Hayat W Mango Shaped Space

Hello again

The book Mango Shaped Space starts right off the bat with the word freak. I thought that her revel when she realize that she has a disorder. I could really understand how that could have been hard for her even though I didn’t go through the same thing or even close to what she did. I was wondering what you thought about the start?

The start was very interesting to me too because of the teacher not understanding her and not trying to comfort  her when she wasn’t able to solve the problem and not get that something was wrong when she started to say the the letters and numbers have colors. What did you thing about that and how the teacher reacted to her?

Compare books Hayat W

Compare books Hayat W

Hello I am going to compare the book Maze Runner to the book Legend.

The book Maze Runner was like a mystery and action. The book Legend also had a mystery action feel to it. Both of the books had someone die that was close to the main character. What was your favorite character in the books that you had to read?

Some of the differences between books was that in legend the main character knew who he was.In the Maze Runner Thomas didn’t know who he was until a bit later.I would like to hear anything that you thought about the books and weather or not you liked reading the books that you did?

-Hayat W