Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Author: mderonde

Blog 10: Williams

Blog 10: Williams


Respond to the following two prompts:

Below is the poem by imagist poet William Carlos Williams. An imagist poem attempts to “capture the moment when a thing outward and objective becomes inward and subjective.” Given this understanding, respond to the following two prompts:

1. What do you think Williams sees in this poem (describe the image in your own language) and what do you think he felt about what he was seeing? Why do you think so?

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

–William Carlos Williams
I think that this means that there are so many things that go into every aspect of life that we don’t realize… like the butterfly effect.
2. Then, write an imitative poem, just as Jack did in Love That Dog, beginning with the words “so much depends upon . . .”
So much depends upon
the shoes I wear
That socks I choose
matching or not
even the color
My outfit tells infinitely more
than I wish to covey

Im sorry I’m no good at writing poems i was trying to say you can tell a lot about a persons state of mind by what they wear

Blog 5

Blog 5

What are your take-away ideas from the Miller text so far? What ideas are resonating? What seems challenging about teaching reading? What are you most excited about in terms of teaching reading? Most afraid of?
I am loving the Miller text. I think the concept of reading in the wild is not only enlightened but interesting and important. I really like how she uses example from her life. Often times in books it is basically like someone is lecturing you but this is different. This I feel like she is letting me into her world a little bit, and it is much easier understanding a her than a textbook.I am so scared to teach reading because I understand what she is saying and how to do it, but putting into practice is a whole different thing. I am interested in helping kids find a unique and productive outlet for things that trouble with them. I think books can either take someone away from a bad situation or empathize.

in class

in class

My favorite of the stories was the tale of the shoe because it was comical and interesting. I think I liked it especially because it was the first story and I have never read anything quite like this before so I was struck by the writing style more than in any of the others. I don’t know which one captures women the best. I think if I had to choose one it would be the tale of the kiss or tale of the voice because these two tales summarize or at least conclude all of the other tales. This book examines the relationship between women as well as the internal conflict of the women in this book. I am not sure why the author chose kissing the witch. I think it is interesting how the antagonists of the previous story, is the protagonist of the following story. In al of the stories there seems to be an intimacy between the “witch” and the heroine so it could have to do with that.

snow white

snow white

The traditional roles of the stepmother being evil and vein are the same as well as snow white being innocent. The Disney version is obviously more playful and sing-songy. In the Disney version the prince meets snow white before she goes to live for the dwarves. I looked it up and it says it is because Disney wants to stress how snow white is helpless and needs a man to save her from the very beginning. Snow whites life with the dwarves are very different in the two versions. One she dos the housework by choice the other is to earn her keep.