Writing Activities: Ready For You To Try Out
Hi everyone,
You’ve made some really cool prompts and activities for your peers. Love the book selections as your mentor texts…such a great range of books and ideas. You can see where you’ve incorporated ideas from About the Authors too. Well done.
For today:
- It’s now time to write the activity your partner designed for you by tonight. You’ll post your response/writing as a comment to their post. You can upload an image, just type in the comment box, link to a Google Doc or Storyjumper, add a slide to the end of their slide deck…whatever makes sense given the task they created for you to try. REMEMBER: you are also telling the “teacher” (your partner) how it turned out for you: what did you like about doing their assignment? Any challenges or things they might change, add, revise?
- Later today or tomorrow (once your peer has tried out your activity), you can write a short reflection on how things went overall. Did the partner’s writing turn out like you imagined when you designed the activity? Again, post as a comment on your original post.
Our last Make (!) called Revise & Reflect is now live on the site. Link here too. You’ve done such lovely and creative work!
Look forward to seeing how the writing based on the activities works out!